Fusioo API Overview

The Fusioo API is a RESTful interface that allows you to work with different resources available within Fusioo, such as Apps and Records. It provides predictable URLs for accessing resources, and uses built in HTTP features to receive requests and return responses.

Using the API

You can access the API via the https://api.fusioo.com domain. The OAuth 2 protocol is used for authentication. When working with the Fusioo API, your application will access the Fusioo service on behalf of your users. You will need to have each user of your application authenticate with Fusioo to both verify their identity and give your application permission to access their Fusioo data.

Every request and response in our API is transmitted in JSON - JavaScript Object Notation. It is simple to use and implementations of JSON are widely available. The Content-Type header in requests has to be set to application/json. All requests must be encoded using UTF-8. Responses are encoded in UTF-8 too.


The Fusioo API is in ongoing development. Future versions will add new endpoints and parameters. To improve user experience, we will be including a version for each API major release.

An example of a full request is: https://api.fusioo.com/v1/apps/

The relative path prefix /v1/ indicates that you are currently using version 1 of the API.

Within a version, the behavior and return values of the API will not change from the currently documented behavior and return values. The API and its data payloads are designed so that new parameters and return values can be added at any time.

API version What is new
Version 1 (v1) The initial release of the Fusioo API.
Version 2 (v2) The result of the Create & Update record methods has been updated to include the record data when the Return Code is Success.


This can be a breaking change if you're using the result being returned.

Version 3 (v3)

Changed how the "offset" works. Previously this property was being used as 'startFrom' and wasn't returning the expected results.

Previously if you used 5 as offset, the list would start from the 5th object. With this update, it will start from the 6th object.


This is a breaking change, make sure to update any methods using the offset property before using V3.

The File Field is now supported:

  • The GetRecord and GetRecords methods will return the values of File Fields.
  • The Create and Update Record methods have been updated to accept File Ids.

The following methods have been added:

  • GetFile
  • DownloadFile
  • CreateFile
  • DeleteFile
  • CreateDiscussion
  • GetDiscussion
  • GetDiscussions
  • DeleteDiscussion
  • CreateComment
  • GetUser
  • GetUsers

Rate Limiting

Usage of the API is subject to predefined rate limits. The limits are based on a moving window that tracks the number of requests sent per hour. The general limit is 500 API calls per hour.

Rate limits are calculated on a per company basis.

For example, if you add an application which is used by 5 users within your company, each call made by those users will count towards the hourly 500 call limit. If you hit the rate limit the API will begin returning the 429 HTTP error code for subsequent API calls.

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