Link to Role Field

The Link to Role Field can be used to relate Fusioo Roles to specific App records. The Link to Role Field is most commonly used for the following scenarios:

  • Assigned To (e.g: the Task’s Assigned To Role)
  • Responsible (e.g: the Project’s Responsible Role)

Adding a Link to Role Field

Learn how you can add a new Field in Fusioo. Here are some of the Link to Role Field’s additional options:

Default Value The Role Selected is added automatically when creating a new record.
Allow multiple choice? When ticked, the user can select multiple values (Roles). When unticked, the user can only select a single value from the Roles list.

Here’s how the Field will appear when you are:

  • Creating a new record
    While creating record


  • Viewing a record
    While viewing a record


  • In the List View
    In the list view


  • In the Badge View
    In the badge view


Additional Information

Can be used for searching? Yes
Can be used to sort records? Yes
Can be used as a Badge Heading? No
Can be used for grouping in the Kanban Board? Yes
Filtering options
  • Is
  • Is not
  • Is role of user signed in
  • Is not role of user signed in
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty


Here’s an example of how the Is role of user signed in works:

  1. In a Projects App there is a Link to Role Field named Responsible team.
  2. You set up a filter like this: Responsible team is role of user signed in
    Role Filter
  3. When John Doe signs in, he will see all the projects where his role is selected as the Responsible team.
  4. On the other hand, when Jane Doe signs in, she will see all the projects where her role is selected as the Responsible team.
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