listToText(<List>) : Text
The listToText function is used to convert list items in a Select Field into Text.
This function works on the following Fields:
listToText(@Status) => "In Progress"
When multiple items are selected - listToText(@Category) => "Category A, Category C"
When used in conjunction with a textToNumber() function, the listToText() function can be used to convert the resulting Select item value into a Number that can be used in a numeric formula.
For example, if the Tax amount is being chosen from a Select Field (e.g. 5, 10 or 15).
You can use the selected value in a formula to calculate the total price => @Price + @Price * (textToNumber(listToText(@TaxAmount)))
Learn more about how you can get started using the Formula Field.
Type above and the results will be displayed here.